Friday, January 8, 2010

Dreams that Lead

As I do every Monday, this morning I walked into the office and started through my pile of emails (I try to stay away from my gmail account on weekends that turn out to be actual weekends). As usual, most of the emails were simply and excitingly answered about Summer Camp or Chrysalis. There were a few messages that were easily sent to the trash and a few complicated ones that I often leave for the afternoon when my brain is more functional. But this morning, there was one email that really got me thinking and it certainly didn't come from a source that I expected.

For Christmas, Evan and I bought my sister a pair of TOMS Shoes (the "get a pair, give a pair" shoes) and I have ended up on their emailing list. I had a message in my inbox from them and it was almost sent to the trash without a second thought (I figured it was a sales add or one of those emails where they want feedback that I never participate in). But, for some reason, I decided to open the blanket email anyway. The message had nothing to do with their product at all.

The email said, "Where do you see your tomorrow? Most great ideas start small and close to home. What are your ideas of improving yourself, your community, and even our world? No idea is too big or too small. Believe me, you never know where your dreams will lead."

And then I think, boy has the Lord been working in my life and listening to my dreams! If you would have asked me 3 years ago what my goals in my life were I would have said "One day I would love to work full time at Camp Sumatanga and someday marry a Godly man." Then, I would have laughed. I had come up with these plans in the 4th grade and worked towards them since that age but often found them funny and unlikely. Camp Sumatanga has been my safe haven for as long as I can remember and a place that touches thousands of lives each year, why would they hire me? Why would I marry a Godly man at a young age after not exactly having the best score in the dating game? But guess what, here I am. Wow. Life sure is crazy.

This is where I had seen my tomorrow. Of course, there are stressful days (like today for instance) at work when I wonder "what in the World am I doing here" and there are many days in the married life when I ask "what have I gotten myself into." But, the Lord has blessed me with my dreams that started small and close to home. Now what are my ideas of improvement? Now that I am in these shoes, where do I take them?

I see a summer camp program in the need of growth spiritually: grace, hope and love are what it is all about (and often easier to find in the quiet getaway of camp life). I see a marriage, God willing, with many years of learning but a foundation in Christ that could be even deeper. I see people around me that are well versed in both of these areas that I should be taking notes from.

And what about our World? What do I see there? Where will we be when I burn out on summer camp? What will I find in that tomorrow? What do I want for the children of our Nation and those around the World? Is there really a solution to hunger and a way to create peace? Is there really a ministry that I could be used for that would make a difference not just to the lives of kids in Alabama but those who speak a different language or take part in a different culture? I don't know what these dreams are yet nor where they will lead but I do know a God that hears them and makes a path for them if they are in His will. Let the dreaming begin!

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